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The EIN provides a bridge between infectious diseases physicians and public health authorities with the overarching goal of improving surveillance for emerging infectious diseases. The EIN currently has three membership types: 1) infectious diseases physicians, 2) members of the public health community, and 3) other healthcare professionals with an advanced degree.
If you are an infectious disease physician who sees patients on a regular basis, is willing to complete periodic brief surveys, and is an IDSA or PIDS member, click here to join.
If you are a member of the public health community, which includes individuals working in a federal (e.g., CDC, FDA), state or local public health department, click here to join.
If you are a healthcare professional with an advanced degree (e.g., PharmD, PhD in clinical microbiology, MD but not infectious diseases), you are an IDSA or PIDS member, and you are willing to complete periodic brief surveys, click here to join.