
Screening & Planned Isolation for the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

In response to questions raised in the recent China coronavirus and healthcare facilities EIN listserv thread, John Bennett (Bethesda, MD), Dave Gilbert (Portland, OR), Duane Hospenthal (San Antonio, TX), David Busch (San Francisco, CA) and other members of the EIN Executive Committee are asking their EIN colleagues for advice. We are interested in how your healthcare institutions are handling screening for the novel coronavirus and identifying Patients Under Investigation (PUI). We intend to share the results via the listserv quickly so your colleagues' advice can be useful as institutions develop plans.

This survey is intended for clinicians but we will share the results with all listserv subscribers including our public health members. Thank you for your help with this query.

  1. State of practice:   
  2. a. Does your institution currently have travel screening in place for any infectious disease?
      No      Yes     Not sure
    b. If yes, specify what questions are asked:
    c. If yes, is this screening:
      Restricted to certain venues (e.g. ERs)
      Partially implemented, plan to require at all points of entry
      Required at all points of entry to your healthcare institution/system

  3. a. Has your institution provided criteria for how a Patient Under Investigation should be identified?
      No      Yes     Not sure
    b. If yes, which criteria are used?
      CDC [see CDC criteria here]
      State or local
      Institutional or other
      Not sure

  4. If a Patient Under Investigation is identified, which of the following will be used?
    Surgical mask for patient                       [Select all that apply]
    Airborne infection isolation room (AIIR)
    Contact precautions
    Airborne precautions
    Eye protection for healthcare workers
    Not sure
    Not applicable at this time

  5. Has your institution started Personal Protective Equipment "training runs" for preparation of any front-line staff?
      No      Yes     Not sure

  6. Does your lab offer multiplex PCR respiratory pathogen panels?
      No      Yes     Not sure
    b. If yes, specify turnaround time:

  7. If your institution has attempted lab testing for nCoV, please consider answering a separate EIN query on management issues: Management Quick Query

  8. Please provide additional questions or advice about the novel coronavirus outbreak below:
  9. Should any of the above questions be deleted? Should new questions be added?