
COVID-19 Vaccine Preparedness in Correctional Settings

Correctional settings are in various stages of preparation for COVID-19 vaccination by state. The purpose of this survey is to learn more about plans to provide COVID-19 vaccine to those who live and work in correctional settings during the initial rollout (defined as the first three months of vaccine distribution in your facility). The survey should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your participation in this research is voluntary and your responses are anonymous. You have the right to withdraw at any point during the study.

Your participation in the study is voluntary. You are 18 years of age. You are aware that you may choose to terminate your participation at any time for any reason.
-- I acknowledge these statements and consent; begin the study.

  1. A. Where do you work? [check all that apply]
    County Jail
    State Prison
    Federal Prison
    ICE Detention Center
    House of Corrections
    Juvenile Detention Center
    Other, specify
    B. In what region do you work?
    Northeast   Midwest   South   West
    C. Are you a:
    Correctional Officer   Sheriff   Healthcare Clinician   Other, specify


  3. a. My facility currently provides COVID-19 vaccinations:      Yes   No   Unsure
    If no, please skip to question 7.
    b. If yes, when did vaccine distribution begin at your facility?
    Dec 2020   Jan 2021   Feb 2021   Mar 2021   Apr 2021   May 2021

  4. Does your facility provide COVID-19 vaccines to:
    Health care workers Yes   No     Unsure
    Correctional staff & administration   Yes   No     Unsure
    Inmates Yes   No     Unsure
  5. If no to all groups above, please skip to question 7.

  6. How would you rate your facility’s preparedness for vaccine rollout for the following groups?
    Not prepared at all    Little preparedness     Prepared     Quite prepared   Extremely prepared   Not applicable  
    Health care workers
    Correctional staff & administration

  7. How did your facility prioritize vaccine distribution during initial rollout within these groups?
    Select at least one option for each columnHealth care workersCorrectional staffInmates
    Highest risk of severe illness due to age
    Highest risk of severe illness due to comorbidities
    First come, first served
    By job title or type of work
    Other, specify:
    Not applicable

  8. Were the following groups offered the vaccine during the initial rollout?
    A. Health care workers (HCW) Yes  No UnsureNot applicable
    HCW who have had COVID-19
    HCW who have had documented COVID-19 <90 days prior to vaccination
    Pregnant/lactating HCW
    HCW with a history of anaphylaxis (severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction)
    B. Correctional staff (STAFF)
    STAFF who have had COVID-19
    STAFF who have had documented COVID-19 <90 days prior to vaccination
    Pregnant/lactating STAFF
    STAFF with a history of anaphylaxis (severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction)
    C. Inmates
    Inmates who have had documented COVID-19 any time in 2020
    Inmates who have had documented COVID-19 <90 days prior to vaccination
    Inmates with a history of anaphylaxis (severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction)
    Sentenced inmates
    Pre-trial inmates
    ICE detainees


  9. Does your facility:   Yes    No   Unsure
    A. Have a plan to manage post-vaccination symptoms (e.g. differentiate COVID-19 from post-vaccine symptoms; determine which health care workers need quarantining)?
    B. Have a plan to manage post-vaccination symptoms (e.g. differentiate COVID-19 from post-vaccine symptoms; determine which correctional staff need quarantining)?
    C. Have a plan to manage post-vaccination symptoms (e.g. differentiate COVID-19 from post-vaccine symptoms; determine which inmates need quarantining)?
    D. Have a plan to stagger vaccinations within positions to avoid health care worker staff shortages?
    E. Have a plan to stagger vaccinations within positions to avoid correctional staff shortages?

  10. What do you see as the top 4 barriers to COVID-19 vaccine rollout to the following groups in your facility?
    [Please only provide 4 answers for each column, and number with #1 being the biggest barrier]Health care workersCorrectional staffInmates
    Cold storage requirement for vaccine
    Prioritization regimens
    Sufficient occupational health staff to manage vaccination
    Physical space to vaccinate while maintaining social distancing
    Willingness to receive vaccine
    Recordkeeping/vaccination reporting to public health
    Absences related to anticipated side effects such as fever
    Concern about adverse reactions (e.g. allergic reaction)
    Difficulty getting to vaccine administration location(s)
    Vaccine supply
    Scheduling multiple doses
    Public disapproval of prioritization
    Other, specify:

  11. A. Do you plan to use incentives as a tool to promote vaccine participation among these groups?
    Health care workers Yes   No     Unsure
    Correctional staff & administration Yes   No     Unsure
    Inmates Yes   No     Unsure
    If no to all groups above, please skip to question 10.

    B. If yes, please select planned methods for incentivizing or promoting vaccination among these groups from the list below:
    Health care workers:
        Paid time off
        Transportation reimbursement for travel to vaccine site
        Not applicable
        Other, specify:
    Correctional staff:
        Paid time off
        Transportation reimbursement for travel to vaccine site
        Not applicable
        Other, specify:
        Credits for communicating via email and telephone
        Commissary care package
        Added visitations
        Not applicable
        Other, specify:

  12. Do you believe COVID-19 vaccination for corrections should be mandatory when a vaccine eventually has full FDA approval (is no longer administered under an Emergency Use Authorization) for the following groups?
    Health care workers      Yes   No     Unsure
    Correctional staff Yes   No     Unsure
    Inmates Yes   No     Unsure

  13. How concerned are you about the potential for vaccine refusal among the following groups in your facility?
    Not at all concerned    Slightly concerned     Concerned     Quite concerned   Extremely concerned  
    Health care workers
    Correctional staff

  14. Do you have any other comments or concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccine distribution in your facility?