
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I change my email address or other contact information?
A: Click the Update Member Info link on the left menu bar, change your email or other information, and click Submit Changes. You can also email the EIN Program Coordinator at

Q: How can I subscribe to the listserv?
A: Update Member Info link on the left menu bar, check "LISTSERV Subscription", and click Submit Changes. You can also email the EIN Program Coordinator at

Q: Is there a digest form of the listserv?
A: Yes. You can email the Program Coordinator at and request this feature. You will get one email per day with each individual posting appended inside.

Q: How can I unsubscribe from the listserv?
A: Update Member Info link on the left menu bar, uncheck "LISTSERV Subscription", and click Submit Changes. You can also email the EIN Program Coordinator at

Q: Is there a way I can access recent listserv postings?
A: Click on Search Archive on the left menu bar in order to search by date, subject, contributor name or location. Click on Browse Archive on the left menu bar in order to browse by date.

Q: How do I post a new thread/question to the listserv?
A: Send the posting to

Q: I used to get the listserv, but emails have stopped coming. How can I fix this?
A: Email the EIN Program Coordinator at with details of the problem you are having.

Q: I tried to post a question/response to the listserv, but it bounced and the server said "Sorry, but did not find your email address".
A: Send the posting to with a note that it bounced from the server. The EIN Program Coordinator will post the question and change your email address in the server so that this does not happen again.

Q: How confidential are my responses to surveys?
A: The names and addresses of survey respondents are known only to the EIN Program Office. Survey results are provided to our collaborators, but respondents are identified only by a unique number and never by name, address or even city.

Q: How can someone join the listserv?
A: The listserv is only for EIN members and some public health individuals (i.e., CDC, state and local health departments). In order to join the EIN, please email the EIN Program Coordinator at

Q: I have an idea for a new query for EIN members. How can I communicate this idea?
A: We are delighted to receive new survey ideas from members. Please fill out this form or email your idea to